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高年級-雙語課程-理財教育Part. 1 5th & 6th Grade - Cross-Domain Curriculum - Financial Education Part. 1

My mentor once said, "Wouldn't it be great if writing a thesis could make a contribution?" After discussing with several mentors, my thesis has evolved into a series of cross-domain courses that integrate financial concepts into English.

I'd like to share a small piece of work with everyone, but... considering the speed of writing blog posts, let's serialize it! 😂😂😂

(Let's start with the introduction of the first session!)

**Friendly reminder: Please respect intellectual property rights when developing your own curriculum! Thank you!!!









**小提醒: 自編課程請尊重智慧財產權! 感謝您!!!

第一節 Session 1

1. Storybook: Spend It

-->這是一系列的書,真的超可愛,各個年級都喜歡,剛好有一陣子遇到學校跳蚤市場,唸給低年級聽也很可以喔! (This is a series of books that are really cute, and loved by students of all grades. It's also great for reading to younger students during flea market time at school!)

2. Storybook - Q & A (Part.1)

Q1. Do you have an allowance?

How many allowances do you have?

Q2. If you have pocket money,

what do you want to buy?

Q3. How do you make a choice?

Which one do you “need”?

--> 第一階段的提問,主要引導出 “need” and “want” 的概念。

The initial questions aim to introduce the concepts of "need" and "want."

3. Task.1: List Need/Want (group activity)

4. Storybook - Q & A (Part.2)

(1). Students make a list of “what I want” and “what I need”.

--> 一組發一些便條紙。

Each group is given sticky notes.

(2). Take a picture of their lists and upload it to the app (LoiLoNote).

(3). Teacher discusses with students (LoiLoNote).


The teacher can share the results of each group using the LoiLoNote app!

Q4. Carrots are money in bunny land. (故事的情境在bunny land之下)

What about our money?

What can money do?

Q5. There are different ways to pay the money. How many payment methods

(支付方式)do you know?

5. Task.2: Payment Methods (individual activity)

(1). Students type down the answer of “How do you pay the money?” on the app (Padlet).

(2). Teacher discusses with students (Padlet)- check how many types of payment methods do they use.

--> Padlet有線上便利貼的概念。

3. Teacher introduces all kinds of payment methods with pictures on PPT.

** Padlet 連結:

6. Wrap up- Task.3 (individual activity)

1. Students watch the video on the website- Edpuzzle.

2. Answer the questions according to the video on the website and get instant feedback.

--> Edpuzzle可以連動google classroom,學生完成影片問答後,成績直接匯入google clasroom 阿阿阿~完全是任務多多的英文老師救星!!!

*Video Name: Smartville Smart Spending-Smart Buying Habits

* Questions:

Q1.How did Suzy buy the new shoes?

A1. credit card

Q2. Why did Suzy like the new outfit and shoes?

A2. They are the most expensive.

Q3. What advice did the coach give her?

A3. Save money, and buy what you need.

Q4. What did the short hair girl do before buying the things?

A4. She did some research.

Q5. Did Suzy ask her father before using the credit card?

A5. No, she didn't. She did it without permission.

Q6. What did they do before they go to the mall?

A6. They made a list of what they need.

Q7. The salesperson said there will be a sale next week, what should they do?

A7. wait and save

** Edpuzzle 連結:


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